Ally Program

ASAʼs Ally Program is for Gems & Jewelry appraisers and State Licensed or State Certified Real Property appraisers who desire an affiliation with ASA, but do not wish to become accredited.  The Ally Program provides valuable benefits such as:

  • Savings on education classes, webinars, conferences, and events
  • Networking at international conferences and local events
  • Regulatory advocacy and alerts
  • Subscriptions to ASA publications
  • Access to free, discipline-centric list-servs
  • Savings on goods and services through ASAʼs Discount Savings Programs
  • Grants through ASAʼs Education Foundation

Program Requirements/Online Application Process

Gems & Jewelry (GJ) Appraisers:

GJ Ally Program Flyer & Quick Guide   Apply - GJ Ally Membership

Apply Online:

  • Select the Ally Program option;
  • Upload a copy of your diploma from an accredited gemological institution and a resume or qualifications statement
  • Acknowledge receipt of and compliance with ASAʼs Code of Ethics;
  • Provide payment of dues and fees; and
  • Submit your application.


Real Property (RP) Appraisers:

RP Ally Program Flyer & Quick Guide   Apply - RP Ally Membership

Apply Online:

  • Select the Ally Program option;
  • Proof of a current, state-issued real estate appraiser license and/or certification; and proof, either through your listing on the National Appraiser Registry or through an experience log, of no less than three (3) years of full time appraisal experience;
  • Acknowledge receipt of and compliance with ASAʼs Code of Ethics;
  • Provide payment of dues and fees; and
  • Submit your application.

Approval Process*

Once your application is submitted online, it will be reviewed by ASA Staff.  You will be notified via e-mail once your application is approved (typically within 5 business days).  Please contact us if you have any questions.

*By joining ASA, you acknowledge you have read and are in compliance with ASA's Principals of Appraisal Practice and Code of Ethics.