Message from the CEO

August 31, 2023

This month we look at recent strategic partnership/membership development efforts, and spotlight education accomplishments and upcoming offerings.

Strategic Partnerships/Membership Development

Myself, Patrick Vann, ASA Membership and Chapter Development Manager, and Mike Pratt, ASA Real Property Discipline Committee Chair, attended the 2023 IAAO Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. Our primary focus at the event was to manage the ASA booth, meet with attending leaders and assessors, and share the ASA value proposition and news about the ASA-IAAO strategic partnership that entitles IAAO members a pathway to membership via the Society’s Professional Education Equivalency Certification Program (PEECP) and discounts on ASA Real Property (RP) and Appraisal Review and Management (ARM) educational offerings.

While at the event we also had the opportunity to connect with the team from the Korean Association of Property Appraisers (KAPA), another strategic partner of whom we recently had an in-country visit and hosting of ASA’s Business Valuation (BV) Principles of Valuation (POV) courses for their members.

Richard Conti, ASA’s new International Marketing Committee Chair, co-editor of the ARM E-Journal, and ARM Discipline Committee Member At-Large, as well as Terry Taylor, ASA’s new chair of the RP Discipline Membership Subcommittee were also in attendance. It was great having Mike, Richard and Terry at the event due to their shared backgrounds in appraisal and assessing and joint membership in ASA and IAAO.

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Education Spotlight

We successfully wrapped our highly attended round of Personal Property POV courses as part of our annual Personal Property Appraisal Virtual Summer Camp.

Next up our Education Team has been busy preparing and scheduling a comprehensive line-up of upcoming classes and conferences. Spotlights included news on upcoming Appraisal Review & Management and litigation support courses and events, ASA aircraft valuation courses and events, new Machinery and Technical Specialties POV courses, new real property Efficient Appraisal Practice webinar series, and new Litigation in Valuation Conference.

The team is also exploring international members’ and partnering valuation professional organizations’ (VPOs) professional development needs for International Valuation Standards (IVS) focused Appraisal Review and Management training. Click here to participate in our survey.

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Last, we’ll be heading to New Orleans October 1-3 for our 2023 ASA International Conference. There is still time to register and attend onsite or virtually. Local attendees planning to attend the event’s opening ceremonies, annual awards luncheon and sessions are encouraged to register in advance to avoid the lines. Stay tuned for a full event recap in my updates next month.

Looking for more Message from the CEO updates by Johnnie White? Visit ASA’s online newsroom here.