[ASA 2024 Elections] What Does It Mean to Contribute?

May 14, 2024

The Value of Giving Back:

What Candidates' Volunteer History Reveals

Voting starts tomorrow!

Contributing to an organization usually means actively participating and dedicating time and effort, in a collaborative effort, toward the betterment of the organization. This could involve volunteering, serving on committees or boards, or contributing to fundraising efforts.

When considering candidates for an election vote, it is important to review their contributions to different organizations. This shows what aspects candidates value, their areas of expertise, and their level of commitment when working towards a common goal.

So today, take a few minutes to review the contributions each candidate has provided ASA or a comparable organization(s) and choose who best represents your values.

Review Candidates

Important notes:


  • Ballots are specific to each voting member's discipline, so make sure to vote for all of the disciplines in which you are eligible.
  • Be sure to add the email addresses noreply@eballot.com and noreply@votenet.com to your safe sender list to receive election ballot notifications.

For more information about the 2024 ASA Elections,
please contact Lissah Michalski at (703) 733-2123 or lmichalski@appraisers.org.