[Election Videos] Meet Your 2024 ASA International Secretary/Treasurer Candidates

May 17, 2024

Learn More About the International Secretary/Treasurer Candidates in ASA’s 2024 Election

View candidate videos

The International Secretary/Treasurer plays a significant role within the Board of Governors. They work closely with the CEO and the CFO to ensure the implementation of the business plan, oversee that all records and vouchers are maintained and available for inspection, and ultimately go on the path to becoming your future International President for the association.

View the links above to see videos of the 2024 International Secretary/Treasurer candidates and discover their answers to ASA 2024 campaign questions on why they feel that they are qualified to become your future leaders.

  1. Why do you feel you are qualified for this position?
  2. What contributions have you provided ASA as a member or to a comparable organization(s).
  3. What do you wish for ASA’s members?
  4. What do you wish for ASA in the profession?
  5. Why should members vote for you?

Be sure to add the email addresses noreply@eballot.com and noreply@votenet.com to your safe sender list to receive election ballot notifications.

For more information about the 2024 ASA Elections,
please contact Lissah Michalski at (703) 733-2123 or lmichalski@appraisers.org.