Your Vote, Your Choice
Last day to cast your ballot: Make it Count!
Voting is one of the most important actions you can take to have a say in the decision-making process and shape the future of ASA. By electing the right candidates, we can ensure that the organization moves in the right direction, and the interests of all members are represented.
When reviewing candidates for an upcoming election, understanding why they are asking for your vote provides insight into their motivations, values, goals as potential leaders, and their dedication to the role they aspire to undertake.
So today, take a few minutes to review each candidate's reasons for running and choose who best represents your values and vision.
Review Candidates
- Ballots are specific to each voting member's discipline, so make sure to vote for all of the disciplines in which you are eligible.
- Be sure to add the email addresses and to your safe sender list to receive election ballot notifications.
For more information about the 2024 ASA Elections,
please contact Lissah Michalski at (703) 733-2123 or