ASA Announces Ronnie Flowers, ASA, IFA, as 2024-2025 Real Property Discipline Member-At-Large

June 26, 2024

ASA proudly announces the election of Ronnie Flowers, ASA, IFA, as the ASA’s Real Property Discipline Member-At-Large for the 2024-2025 term.

Ronnie has been a member of ASA since 2018. He has participated in ASA leadership, serving previously as the Member-At-Large for the Real Property-NAIFA Discipline Committee. Additionally, he has held the Chapter President position with ASA’s ASA-NAIFA Central Oklahoma Chapter since 2018.

Outside of his leadership within ASA, Ronnie has over 20 years of experience working as a Certified Residential Appraiser. As a recognition of his contributions to the profession, Ronnie was selected as the ASA National Real Property Appraiser of the Year for 2022. Ronnie resides in Oklahoma City with his wife. He enjoys spending time with his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Since retiring from the USAF, Ronnie has utilized his leadership skills to serve the appraiser profession. Prior to joining ASA, he served on the NAIFA National Board of Directors.  As a USPAP instructor and ASA instructor, he fields questions and serves as a mentor to many appraisers in the Oklahoma City area. He has also served his state as a member of the Standards and Disciplinary Procedures Committee for the Oklahoma Real Estate Appraiser Board.